Understand Cancer Energetically

Understand Cancer Energetically

When we view cancer as an energetic condition, we shift our perspective from merely fighting the physical symptoms to addressing the root causes—mental, emotional, and spiritual imbalances, helping us understand cancer energetically.

From an energetic perspective, if your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual systems have been running below 100 Hz for years—and let’s not sugarcoat it, most of us do—this could be one source of your cancer. Brain waves range from 0.5 Hz to over 100 Hz, making low frequencies our daily bread. Love vibrates at 528 Hz, forgiveness at 540 Hz, and peace starts at 432 Hz. That’s the stark difference between brain and heart waves—like light and darkness, life and death. Yet, here you are, still fighting cancer and holding onto anger. The energy of fight and hatred vibrates below 30 Hz. And maybe this should be enough to understand cancer energetically, but there's more.

Here’s the deal you accepted subconsciously: Society has fed you a nice little story. You’ve been told cancer is a “battle.” You’ve heard it a thousand times: “Fight like hell.” Doctors, family, friends, media—they all tell you it’s a war, with you as the soldier. You even see it in obituaries: “He lost his battle with cancer,” or “She fought bravely.” But let’s break this down. If every obituary ends with “lost the battle,” what exactly is the win? What’s the prize for all that fighting?

Here’s a revelation: Cancer doesn’t care about your fight. It doesn’t care how hard you try. It didn’t come to teach you life lessons, either. It came to end things, to dismantle your life in the most brutal, relentless way possible. But the fight? That’s just your mind kicking and screaming, the logical brain looking for control. What if, just for a second, you dropped that fight? What if instead of battling, you decided to listen to something else?

That something else is your heart. And your heart doesn’t fight. Your heart rises. Quietly. Gently. It rises from the ashes, through tears, painfully so—but it rises. And that’s where the healing begins. The problem is, we’ve been conditioned to believe that healing happens through force, through ‘winning,’ through constantly pushing against the tide.

But what if the true victory isn’t about fighting at all?

Some over-meditated spiritual types claim cancer is a teacher. That’s their story. Maybe they needed a slap across the face to finally wake up. But your cancer? It’s not some enlightened guru whispering life lessons—it’s a flashing red light. An ugly, annoying, unignorable siren pointing straight at everything you’ve neglected, avoided, or drowned in distractions.

Cancer is never a good teacher. It’s a toxic bully. But if you stay fearless and find the courage to face it, it will expose your weakest, most hidden parts—especially the deeply rooted patterns of self-hatred. Because cancer? It’s your own hatred, turned inward, spreading through your body. A bully within a bully. A mirror you desperately want to look away from—but can’t.

You can throw everything at the body—chemo, radiation, surgeries—but if you don’t raise the frequency of your spirit, your mind, your heart—what are you really healing?

Because you can’t destroy cancerous cells. That’s not how energy works. You can only transform them. Shift them from low vibrational states to higher ones. From fear to strength. From hatred to forgiveness. From stagnation to movement. That’s where the real healing begins.

You can fight all day long, but it won’t make a difference until you address the energy you're operating on. This isn’t some spiritual copy-paste nonsense. It’s physics. Love, forgiveness, peace—these energies vibrate at high frequencies. Fighting, hatred, fear—they vibrate lower. So ask yourself: Are you healing, or just perpetuating a cycle that keeps you trapped?

Cancer might show up in your body, but it's really your body reflecting the energy that’s been in your life for years—stress, anger, regret. It's not just a tumor. It's a signal, an invitation to step up your energy game. To truly understand cancer energetically is to see it as a reflection of everything you've neglected.

So, what now? You stop running. You stop resisting. You stop fighting the inevitable. It’s time to start listening. Really listening. Not to your thoughts that scream “battle,” but to the quieter voice within you—the one that isn’t yelling, the one that’s simply asking, What would it be like to rise?

And here’s the thing about the heart: It doesn’t need your permission. It’s been waiting for you to catch up. All the “fighting” you’ve been doing? It’s noise. It’s your mind telling you that the only way forward is to push harder, fight harder. But your heart? It just needs you to stop. It needs you to soften. It needs you to rise.

The moment you stop viewing yourself as a victim in a war against your own body, you give yourself a chance to heal. Healing doesn’t mean fixing; it means coming back into alignment with what’s real. What’s true. And the real power? It’s in your heart. The heart never gives up on you, even when everything else does.

So, let’s clear the fog for a moment: The mind can fight. But the heart can rise.

Now, do you want to keep fighting a battle that’s not even yours to fight, or do you want to step into something bigger? Something more powerful than you’ve been led to believe?

The essence of healing is not about battle tactics. It’s about realizing that the war was never the point. The true goal is to return to yourself, to rise, and to reclaim your life—not as a soldier in a war, but as the person who chooses to rise above it. To understand cancer energetically is to embrace the idea that by fighting, you are killing more than you can imagine.

When hope dies, truth comes. And truth? It’s in your heart. The cancer of the heart is a very rare thing.

understand cancer energetically

Stefanie LaRue

This article is dedicated to five people; it’s a good grounding number: my mother, who shifted from stage IV lung cancer to zero oncomarkers, and who is still alive even after 20 years, happily smoking; my friend Jana, who never listened to my alternative approach and passed away shortly after being diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer; my friend Stefanie LaRue, who chose to stay for a while after her cancer diagnosis and lived 12 beautiful years beyond expectations. Her decision to embrace life and alternative healing, including marijuana, continues to inspire. And to Melissa Etheridge: If darkness knocks on your door, remember her.

I also think of Marlene Adler Marks, an award-winning journalist and long-time vegetarian, who realized just a few days before passing from lung cancer that it was useless buying sofa covers and not eating hot dogs in New York.

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