Why My Grandma’s Chicken Soup Tastes Better Than Ayahuasca

Why My Grandma’s Chicken Soup Tastes Better Than Ayahuasca

energy healing

When life knocks us down and change feels terrifying, we often seek comfort in various ways: calling a friend for a drink, asking Google for life advice, or turning to a therapist. If the therapist is unavailable, some might consider an ayahuasca retreat on sale for $4,999, ready to vomit. Please don’t get me wrong, I know that psychedelics may offer insights and can serve as strong catalysts, but they don't do the work for us. They simply reveal what needs to be healed. Vomiting into plastic buckets without post-integration work and guidance is not only a waste of money but also a squandered opportunity to tap into Mother Nature's wisdom. For me, however, the best remedy was always my grandmother’s chicken soup.

I realized long ago that my grandmother’s soup was far more therapeutic than any counseling session and undeniably tastier than ayahuasca. Most people simply want to be heard, validated, and loved in the most fundamental way. The love infused in each bowl provided a sense of comfort that no psychedelic experience could replicate. Walking into her kitchen, filled with the aromas of rosemary and garlic, felt like entering a sacred space. Regardless of what was happening in my life, that kitchen was my sanctuary, grounding me in love and nourishment. She understood that the simplest expressions of love are sometimes the most profound. Whatever is done with love is done well. Homemade chicken soup, cooked with love, will always be more healing than any ayahuasca journey.

Drawing from my 15 years of experience as an energy healer, I’ve found that the most authentic healing comes from heart-centered therapies that resonate with our true human nature. Many people seek therapy to feel heard, validated, and to share their pain, but too often, they are met with complex methods that overlook the simplicity of love and attention. For most people, heart-centered therapies can seem too simple, and primitive. This perception is often created by their minds, which lead them to believe that deeper complexity is necessary.

Yes, heart-centered therapies are the oldest ones—simple and deeply human—but if we cannot feel ordinary love, we cannot aspire to reach higher emotional states. As a result, we may find ourselves surrounded by low vibrational states of existence. The mind’s intelligence is knowledge, while the heart’s intelligence is understanding. Only by understanding why something bothers us can we detach from it, let go, and be free again. Understanding brings closure.Closure brings peace. And peace heals—exactly like a warm bowl of chicken soup made with love. It's cheaper than ayahuasca, much tastier, and you can savor it to warm and heal your soul.In short, consider Sky&Farm as a healing system infused with energy fragments from my—or your—grandmother’s chicken soup. No need to vomit.

The real healing journey is only about 12 inches long—the space between your head and your heart. But gettin’ there can sometimes take a lifetime, and other times just one healing session.


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