Hello, I am Martin

I am the creator of Sky & Farm, where my intuitive healing approach is rooted in the wisdom of nature and a deep understanding of the connection between the physical body, the human psyche, and beyond.

My healing work blends my neuropsychology studies at Pepperdine University with ancient healing traditions from around the world, including the healing arts of Native American tribes, Tibetan practices, Celtic cultures, and the healing practices of ancient Mesopotamia.

In my healing practice, I primarily use heart-centered modalities and intuitive techniques that have been effective for thousands of years, infused with a modern twist to resonate with 21st-century life.

I split my time between California and northern Italy, where I'm transforming my farm into a self-sufficient space dedicated to sustainable agriculture and a healing artist residency.

The Sky & Farm Project

If you think you can conquer life, you don’t.

As humans, we often find ourselves surrounded by 80% inauthenticity created by our minds, which keep repeating memories of fear, guilt, shame, and emotional debt.This low frequency can lead to many of our health challenges. In contrast, the remaining 20% of authenticity found in nature and its subtle energies offers a healing pathway to higher realms, helping us reconnect with what life is truly about and build a life in harmony and peace. Our lives aren't really ours until we claim them back, guided by the deep wisdom of our heart's consciousness. If you truly lived your own authentic life, you wouldn’t need to conquer anything at all.

The Sky & Farm Project is located in the Piedmont region of northern Italy, just a short drive from Milan. Nestled within a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the farm exudes a charmingly worn character. Each year, small-scale renovations are carried out on the historic buildings, restoring them to their former glory. The farm’s natural landscapes, abundant resources, and rustic charm create an ideal environment for exploring herbal remedies, natural nutrition, ancient healing practices, and energy work, while promoting a sense of sharing rooted in our human experience. Additionally, it serves as an artist residency during the summer, offering a nurturing healing space for creative exploration.


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Sky&Farm Remote Energy Healing