How Energy Healing Works & More

How energy healing works

In my 15 years of practice, I have witnessed numerous speedy recoveries that leave no room for doubt. However, like everything in nature, also healing takes time. In Sky & Farm, that is around one to 30 days. While the idea of healing autoimmune diseases, chronic arthritis, or severe panic attacks within 30 days may seem unimaginable, many clients experience significant improvements within this timeframe. I typically limit healing sessions to five for a single health issue. Clients often experience dramatic improvements or complete healing within those sessions—provided they adhere closely to the healing plan. While I don’t make specific promises, I can assure you that you will find light, love, and peace, as peace is healing. This promise has never been broken. However, if you expect complete transformation of your 20 or 30 years of heavy energy density from just one single session, this therapy may not meet your expectations.

Yes, I do provide remote healing for children of all ages, including those with serious conditions, with the main requirement that parents must be actively involved in the process to enhance the healing experience. In short, if you want your child to heal, you need to be willing to make changes within yourself first. While it may sound harsh, a child’s illness often reflects areas where parents also need to focus on their own healing. This understanding can be an important part of the overall healing journey for both the child and the parent.

From my experience, I have observed that up to 90% of chronic diagnoses in children arise from issues related to their parents, often carried through mental, emotional and spirtual DNA. Recognizing this connection provides valuable insights for both parents and children during the healing process.

The inner strength of the healer significantly impacts the effectiveness of the healing process. The strength of a healer’s energy can be compared to a Wi-Fi signal—it might be weak, strong, or somewhere in between. It’s very important because the high-frequency healing energy flows directly through the healer, and if there is too much low frequency in their energy, the healing light can’t make the necessary connections to effectively reach the recipient of the healing.

A healer with weak inner energy won’t be as effective, while strong energy indicates that they are balanced. A healer’s true power comes from being fully healed on all levels: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Unfortunately, many healers today do not meet this standard, and the reality is that sick people are often trying to heal other sick people, which goes against the fundamental principles of the art of healing.

It is similar to having a heavily overweight minister of health; they cannot effectively promote healthy living when they don’t embody those principles themselves and fail to live the talk. No, people juggling crystals on TikTok and sending Reiki energy to masses of people are not healers. That is a pure indication of something beautifully called the "Jesus syndrome." Simply put, trust your intuition and listen to your heart when choosing a healer.

Absolutely. Every session is highly confidential, with or without an agreement. I often work with high-profile clients, including celebrities and high-net-worth individuals, so I fully understand the need for privacy. Just send the document over before the session for review, and I'll return it to you before the healing session begins.

Not at all—your pure intention to heal, a genuine feeling coming from the heart, is what truly matters, and that alone is enough.

I always recommend taking the day off for your healing session or at least taking it slowly to prioritize self-care and fully absorb the healing experience. Please click here for your complete Step-by-Step Guide for a Healing Session.

Yes, I offer healing for vocal injuries and diseases. For more information, please click here .

I do not heal alcohol or drug addictions or work with people in recovery programs. However, once you are sober and have completed your program, Sky&Farm might be one of the best places to begin healing the other open wounds that are essential for your next healing journey.

Yes, energy healing is generally considered safe for individuals with a pacemaker, as long as certain precautions are taken. Sky & Farm modalities, like other forms of energy healing, are non-invasive. However, it is important to mention your condition to ensure the session is tailored to your specific needs.

Sky & Farm healing is a very strong and potent healing system. Even during the first healing session, you will likely experience a tangible difference and shift, including significant changes in your energies, frequencies, and vibrations, leading to enhanced empowerment, awareness, and healing.

No, it’s best to focus on one healing intention during a 60-minute session. While health issues are often interconnected, multiple symptoms usually arise from the same root cause. For example, if you’ve been diagnosed with panic attacks or Crohn’s disease, we will focus solely on that during the session. Healing deep-seated blockages that have developed over 10, 20, or even 30 years takes time and cannot be accomplished fully in just one single session. Therefore, I prefer to heal one thing at a time.

My healing therapy does not interfere with prescribed medications, so please continue taking them as directed by your healthcare provider. If Sky&Farm treatment proves effective, consult your healthcare professional about possibly reducing your medication dosage. Trust your instincts, and don’t hesitate to discuss your alternative healing journey with your doctor or therapist.

Please note that if you are currently on an alternative energy healing program, a drug recovery program, prescribed antipsychotics, or using abusive drugs, Sky & Farm may not be the best choice for you at this time. For those undergoing ketamine or psychedelic-assisted therapy, I offer support in the form of professional integration therapy to assist your healing process.

Sky&Farm energy healing is completely safe. Some sessions may be very calm, while others can be mildly intense; the nature of your experience largely depends on the energetic density of the issues being addressed. Feeling emotional during a session is a positive sign, as it often acts as a catalyst for healing. You will receive professional support throughout the process, including integrative therapy at the end of every session. It's important to remember that everyone reacts differently to energy healing. Afterward, it’s common to experience a range of sensations, including feeling energized, uplifted, relaxed, sleepy, or even tired. You may also notice intense fluctuations of warmth and cold, which indicate transformative changes taking place within you. Some clients report experiencing brief, vividly recalled memories and vivid dreams featuring specific healing symbols. All these subtle symptoms are part of the healing process and typically settle down on their own within a day or two after the energy session.

A healer provides more than just physical healing; they work to harmonize your entire being—mental, emotional, and spiritual. While many people believe they can achieve healing on their own through practices like gratitude, affirmations, or prayer, these methods often operate at a limited level of consciousness. Self-healing can be effective to an extent, but there are significant challenges when faced with serious illnesses or deeply rooted emotional issues. A healer can guide you to higher, limitless realms of healing that you might not be able to reach alone, especially during difficult times. In my experience, great healers can create a genuine healing "click" that addresses deeper layers of your existence and provides support and insights that self-healing practices may not fully offer.

Yes, my healing is safe during pregnancy. Its calming and relaxing effects benefit the mother and create a loving, balanced space for the child to grow.

No, remote healing is just as effective as in-person sessions—especially when conducted by an experienced energy healer. With over 15 years in the field, I can assure you that the impact remains the same, regardless of whether we connect via video or phone call.

Rescheduling within a couple of days is acceptable, but postponing for over a week can create energetic challenges. Consistently prioritizing your weekly sessions is vital for ensuring the smooth flow of healing energies and sticking to the healing plan.

The number of healing sessions may range from one to five, depending on the severity of your condition and your energy density. I generally recommend no more than five sessions per client, ensuring focused and effective healing. Allowing at least a week between sessions helps you fully absorb the healing energies. So, a 5-session therapy typically takes 5 weeks. In general, we meet online once a week.

Each healing session is uniquely tailored to your individual needs, and I’ll provide a clear recommendation on the number of sessions required. For common concerns, we typically address them in one to three sessions. However, if you’re facing more complex issues, you may benefit from up to five sessions.

A prepaid package for five sessions is $2,200 USD, offering a savings of about $300 USD compared to purchasing individually. I generally recommend no more than five sessions per client, ensuring focused and effective healing. Click here for healing packages.

I heal with peace and in peace, even the most energetically aggressive illnesses. This peace is a highly vibrational frequency capable of healing the unhealable when combined with a sophisticated, intelligent healing system—much faster, smarter, and more precise than modern medicine.

True healing involves shedding limiting beliefs and labels of diagnoses. It requires moving beyond the primitive fight against diseases, which modern medicine often fails to understand in terms of energetic healing. War, or the fight against disease, represents an extremely low frequency, while peace, or accepting the disease, embodies an extremely high frequency—and peace is what ultimately restarts the healing process. My consistent suggestion is to never fight with health diseases; instead, rise up for health.

In short, and in a way that resonates with American culture, the Sky&Farm healing system transforms energy narratives, turning a “shitty book” into a bestseller that we genuinely love to read.

Some clients often come to energy healers with a clear idea of what they want—but true healing goes far beyond surface desires. It’s not just about treating symptoms or following what you or your doctors think will help. Think of my approach as a supercharged MRI scan for your whole being—not just for your physical body, but also for your mental, emotional, and spiritual health. I can uncover the root issues with an astonishing 99.9% accuracy. As the Rolling Stones wisely put it, “You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find you get what you need.”

For more details on my healing approach, click here.

I heal all forms of energetic disharmony, but I frequently work with clients suffering from severe chronic post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Trauma, in general, is an energetic memory imprint that becomes embedded in the mental and emotional bodies, often resonating deeply in the physical body and, in some cases, the spiritual body. This is especially common among military veterans with PTSD. My therapeutic approach, utilizing the Sky&Farm healing system, combines five energy healing sessions with psychotherapy. Even the most severe traumas show significant shifts within 30 days, with complete healing typically occurring within the following month or two. I estimate a 90% success rate in fully resolving trauma—results that are unattainable through conventional PTSD management and contrary to any existing scientific studies on this chronic illness.

Currently, I am exploring the possibility of establishing a special fund for victims of war, including veterans, refugees, displaced individuals, survivors of violence, those suffering from chronic trauma, and individuals in marginalized communities who cannot financially afford my healing sessions.

More and more people are realizing that physical illness often starts with our thoughts and emotions. These create energy that can affect our well-being. We are not just physical bodies; we have energy layers—mental, emotional, and spiritual—that only healers and shamans usually perceive. While Western medicine treats symptoms well, it often misses the root causes. When emotions are unexpressed, they can get trapped in the body, blocking energy flow. Sometimes, things may feel worse before they improve, but keep moving forward.

At Sky&Farm, I genuinely believe in the healing power of nature. For the past 15 years, I’ve been exploring and refining natural solutions that have been cherished for thousands of years and continue to work wonders today. The whole new section dedicated to ancient remedies will be coming soon.

All my sessions are conducted in English, but I welcome people from all over the world. You don’t need to be fluent; simple English works just fine for expressing yourself. I also speak five languages fluently, so we might find a common language at times. Despite any language differences, the universal source of life facilitates smoother communication.

In my sessions, we connect heart to heart rather than mind to mind. Ultimately, even if you don’t speak English, I can still read or heal your energies; all I need is to see your photo or hear your voice on the phone for a couple of minutes to reconnect.


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Sky&Farm Remote Energy Healing