The Narrative of Suffering

The Narrative of Suffering

From Hell to Heaven: Transforming Suffering

What if the "hell on earth" we experience actually drives us to create our own "heaven on earth"? Instead of seeing suffering as punishment, we might use it as an invitation to transcend and build something better. Every struggle becomes an opportunity to dig deeper—asking for help, reclaiming self-love, or rediscovering our heaven. If we go through hell, the easiest thing is simply to keep walking knowing that hell and heaven are just non-existential concepts. Johnny Walker already knew that.

The Role of Memory and Attachment

Before we rush into the victimhood of the hell on earth, we might realize that we don’t suffer because of life itself. We suffer because of our memories of life. It may take lifetimes to understand that suffering doesn’t hold us—we hold on to suffering. Our preprogrammed subconscious mind, along with our unhealed soul systems, creates the illusion that life is nothing but a dark, suffocating place. Only a few are willing to light a candle in this darkness, but not everyone is Carl Jung.

The Power of Choice in Suffering

The choice of what to do with our suffering—often tasting like the mold we’ve grown too accustomed to—is always ours. We don’t need to become Buddha, forget the past, or let go of our fears, shame, or emotional debts. However, it’s our attachment to these small, big dramas that keeps us locked in suffering, causing deep disconnection. Some thrive in this state, but I advise those who choose to suffer to at least suffer well.

Suffering Well: A Tool for Transformation

Suffering well is just one of many options we have. Instead of being overwhelmed by it, we can navigate it with resilience, turning the experience into a mindset that reminds us that suffering eventually gets better. If we resist change and cling to suffering, at least suffer with intention. Make it the best version of suffering possible—the Art of Suffering Well. It’s a useful crutch, but don’t lean on it for too long. Suffering mirrors itself—what we project is reflected back, creating an endless cycle.

The Addiction to Suffering

Our suffering can transform into love addiction, where we try to soothe unhealed parts of ourselves. We may unconsciously fall in love with our misery while consciously hating it, creating an internal conflict that fuels ongoing struggles. When we hit emotional rock bottom, we often realize the urgent need for change. Suffering’s destiny lies in its potential to transform us, acting as a catalyst for change and guiding us toward a more authentic, fulfilled life.

Healing Through Misunderstanding

My healing system, Sky & Farm, views suffering not as an enemy, but as a misunderstanding of reality. The roots of human suffering often stem from a dualistic mindset, worsened by unresolved trauma. We unconsciously pass down suffering from generation to generation. If we look closely, we can often spot traces of suffering in our families, a consistent narrative echoing through time. In these cases, analyzing family dynamics can offer clarity, bringing understanding, closure, and peace. That’s high frequency right there. No one is to blame anymore.

The Illusion of Suffering

There are countless reasons why humans suffer, but if we narrow it down, in the end, it’s always because we are missing and longing for something. We don't feel being enough. We feel we don't do enough or have enough. And the mind supports us in this illusionary story. It all stems from echoes of the past vibrating into the future. In the present moment, suffering is an illusion. Yet, for many, living fully in the here and now seems like an impossible dream. I don’t blame them. It takes a lot of work to end up at the present moment.

Seeing Beyond Suffering

Everything we experience is a reflection of ourselves. To heal, we might accept every part of who we are—our light in the darkness and our darkness in the light. Suffering, like darkness in a room, only exists in the absence of light. Once we illuminate our hearts, allowing them to override the anxious mind, we can see beyond the shadows and choose how we respond to life’s challenges. Change and shifts are inevitable, but people often decline them. My life is getting better. My life is getting worse. Just make a choice.

Not always being right is a beautiful feeling. Therefore, don't believe everything you read here is right—or perhaps wrong. Make your own story. Don’t copy my story. Create your own rights and wrongs. The Sky & Farm Blog is an inspiration to breathe and believe—in yourself.

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